
  • Artist:
    Victor Bregeda
  • Title:
  • Original Medium:
    Oil on canvas
  • Canvas Size:
    19 x 27 inches
  • Availability:
    Limited Edition (350SN)

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Sacrament depicts the scene of the Last Supper, where Jesus ate with his disciples before He was crucified. The twelve disciples are portrayed as ships, who will set sail with their message to the world. The bread and the wine are the traditional symbols of the Sacrament – the body and the blood of Christ. These are symbols also present in Victor’s Eucharist series.

Christ is represented by the flame of the candle, which also sits upon a sailing vessel. The perspective of the scene places the viewer at the head of the table, with bread and the wine  before him.

At this moment, almost all the other disciples have their attention on the viewer, as if they are waiting expectantly for an action on the viewer’s part.

The ladder points to spiritual growth and is a subtle challenge to believers to become disciples and experience the Sacrament as Jesus defined it – to set sail in their own vessels to spread Christ’s message to the world.

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