
  • Artist:
    Victor Bregeda
  • Title:
    The Player
  • Original Medium:
    Oil on canvas
  • Canvas Size:
    20.5 x 27 in
  • Availability:
    Print Edition

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The Player can be viewed as a portrait of a strong and complex personality. The main character is presented as a colossal rock that rises up from the imaginary shore. The giant face is carved from stone and rests its chin upon the ground. The keys to understanding this character are exposed through a number of visual clues.

The playing cards and the dice cube point towards risk taking and occasional gambling. The carvings of many faces may imply complexity of human encounters or the ability to mask oneself under different personalities. A pleading man is a strong indicator of influence and power. The face of God in the cloud is the sign of faith and spiritual depth.

These are all subjective ideas. Victor insists that his meta-realistic art should not be interpreted in one particular way. Viewers should only draw conclusions based on their individual perception.

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