
  • Artist:
    Victor Bregeda
  • Title:
  • Original Medium:
    Oil on canvas
  • Canvas Size:
    20 x 24 inches
  • Availability:
    Limited Edition

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Sharing is a painting that offers many moving parts. We notice a coo-coo clock has taken flight with the help of the multi-colored balloons. When we look closer, a woman becomes visible in its doorway. It would appear that the man in the water is attempting to gain access to her, even though she is out of reach.

Looking further, we notice two birds that appear to be locked in a gaze. It would appear the story is the same for them. The one bird is trapped by the clock’s restraints, while the other possesses freedom. Perhaps, the figure in the sky represents a certain longing by both the woman and caged bird for a life outside of the four walls. The somber male side may be presented by the figure in the water beneath the boat. He may be reflecting on what good is the freedom if you are unable to share it with the one you love?


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