Lucky Number

  • Artist:
    Victor Bregeda
  • Title:
    Lucky Number
  • Original Medium:
    Oil on Canvas
  • Canvas Size:
    23.5 x 31.5 in
  • Availability:
    Original, Print Edition

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This painting was recently featured at the Museum of Russian Art in NJ.

This painting is composed of two parts. It opens to a regular game of pool. We see a man concentrating on what appears to be the final shot of the game. The look on his face and positioning of his hand suggest the intensity of the moment.  The number seven is present on the final ball, symbolizing luck is on his side.

But wait, take notice of the small figure in the left corner.  It appears he is cheering our player on. Could this be his friend or mentor that recognizes the significance of this moment? Could this be the game changing shot that will lead him to his destiny?

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