
  • Artist:
    Victor Bregeda
  • Title:
  • Original Medium:
    Oil on canvas
  • Canvas Size:
    19.5 x 25.5 in
  • Availability:
    LImited Edition; Original

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Victor Bregeda insists that Homecoming is an open-ended story that should be interpreted  in light of individual, life experiences. Bregeda brings forth the decorations of a life’s journey but invites the viewer to fill the gaps.

The weary traveler is making his way home as his awaiting cats anticipate his arrival upon the dock. He is welcome here.

The rigid cliffs mark life milestones with temporary dwellings resting upon their summits. The figures in the sky represent past relationships and the different people who have shaped a person’s life. The crescent moon suggests the change of day. Although, it is unclear whether it is rising or setting.

Homecoming is a place of rest and refuge from life’s long voyage. It is here that we find the warmth of reunion with beloved friends and family.

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