Return to Paradise

  • Artist:
    Victor Bregeda
  • Title:
    Return to Paradise
  • Original Medium:
    Oil on canvas
  • Canvas Size:
    24 x 32 inches
  • Availability:
    Limited Edition (350 SN)

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This painting depicts the artist’s surrealistic view of the concepts of sin and salvation. The focal point is the red apple, which symbolizes the first sin committed by Adam and Eve.

In Return to Paradise, Victor Bregeda uses the elements of a landscape (a mountain, trees, a bird, and the light of the sky) to depict the two faces of Adam and Eve, in profile, looking at an apple.

On the pathway, small human figures are pushing a huge red apple up the mountain. This symbolizes that once taken from the tree of wisdom, the apple should be brought back to paradise.

Victor implies that the viewer can consider him or herself as a part of this picture. The line of the pathway, at the edge of the painting, can be virtually continued toward the viewer, inviting us to join the journey.

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